Qavita VIP Services

Personal agent service

Your personal recruitment agents will find what you are looking for. You’ll receive a personalized and comprehensive service, where job brokers will take care of everything for you, from finding a job to drawing up a contract. Employment agents assist in drawing up contracts in accordance with the agreement between you and the employer.

How it works?

Here we will explain step by step how it works

Qavita VIP Services

Start by booking Qavita VIP Services and create an ad “Job Search”  with your wishes on Plavito, if you haven’t already done so. In your profile, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself to the employer by telling about yourself and post your CV on Plavito. Once you have completed your profile, the responsible agent will contact you with job proposals – expect a response within 3-5 days (working days).

How much does it cost?

You pay a brokerage commission 4% percent of the salary per month, up to a maximum of 12 months only when you have been brokered a job. For jobs longer than one year with the same employer, no fee is paid. 

You may deduct the brokerage cost  and expenses in connection with your advertising on Plavito.

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